
Support home

Welcome to the Skalin support area. Here you can find out how to contact us.

# Contact support

Support is available Monday to Friday, from 9am to 6.30pm CEST at You can use this address to report support requests or bugs.

# Features requests

Your feature requests, whether for an improvement to an existing feature or a request for an additional feature, should be sent via the "Submit a feature request" link accessible by clicking on your profile photo.


Before submitting an idea, check the public public roadmap to check that the request has not already been made by by another user. If so, add an "upvote" to the request. This avoids duplication and increases the chances of making the request visible.

# Participative roadmap

The main elements of Skalin's Roadmap are available to all our users. To consult it, click on your profile photo in the top right-hand corner, then on "See Skalin's Roadmap". You will then be redirected to Trello. If you already have a Trello account (with the same address as your Skalin account), that's fine. Otherwise, you'll need to create an account to access our Roadmap.

To know

Only the main items are shown by default (filter on cards with the "Macro" tag). To see all the items, remove the filter.

You can then click on each card to see the details. When you are interested in a proposal, leave an "upvote" to make the request more visible. The more a request is upvoted, the more likely it is to be prioritised in the next sprint.

# Community

# Skalin on the socials networks

  • Blog: Skalin is THE French Customer Success blog (opens new window). We share the best Customer Success practices for B2B startups in their acceleration phase. There are no big theories on our blog, the idea is above all to share advice and feedback with you. Subscribe now!

To know

Nous cherchons régulièrement de nouveaux intervenants pour le blog. Si cela vous intéresse, envoyez-nous un message pour devenir contributeur.

# Customer Success Communities

There's nothing like talking to your peers to share best practice. If you want to take your approach further, we recommend two Slack communities:

# Evaluate Skalin

Would you like to leave a positive review of Skalin?

We'd love it if you'd take 5 minutes to leave a 5-star review and a nice comment about Skalin! It helps us enormously to move up the search results.

Thanks in advance for your support! 🙏

To know

We're currently rated 4.9/5, so even though a 4 may seem nice, in reality it lowers our average ==> only a 5/5 does us any favours 😃

Contributors: Julien