Skalin user guide
Skalin user guide
Welcome to the Skalin platform user guide. This guide contains all the documentation you need to make the most of the platform's features.
# Getting started with Skalin
Getting Started Guide for the Skalin platform, you'll find everything you need to get started with us. It explains how to connect or add new users.
# Integrations and imports
This area is dedicated to feeding your data and platform integrations. Here you can configure your partner applications.
# Navigate into Skalin
Although our platform is designed to be as simple as possible, this navigation guide may be useful to help you find your way around.
# Healthscore
Definition and configuration of Healthscores. This section explains how our health score works and how to optimize it.
# Tasks and projects
Manage your Tasks and projects with our productivity platform. We explain how to organize your recurring and non-recurring tasks with your customers.
# Alerts
Manage your Alerts to improve our proactivity.
# Playbooks
Manage your Playbooks and react automatically to any event linked to your customers.
# My Actions
Your daily actions just a click away with My Actions.
# Rapports
This Reports section contains all the platform's reports. Visualize and exploit your potential with our platform.
Got a question? Go to our FAQ.
# Communauté et support
Contact our support team or submit upgrade requests via the Community and support section.