Personalised healthscore

Personalised healthscore

# Health score profiles

You can then define the weight you wish to give to each type of criterion (Health score profile section (opens new window)). It's also possible to isolate specific customer segments and give them their own health score and weightings.

The example below shows a segmentation with 3 profiles (high-touch, mid-touch, low-touch), each with different weightings for each category of criteria:

# Custom metrics integration

Not all relevant metrics can be collected on your application via standard tracking. This is where Custom Metrics come in. They enable additional information to be sent to the algorithm, so that the score can be adjusted upwards or downwards.

Let's imagine you're selling a marketing activation solution: it's certainly important to know whether your users are logging on regularly and using your key features. But if they're not getting any ROI from it, then the relationship isn't likely to last. It is therefore possible to inject business criteria to enrich your health score (ROI, leads generated, credits consumed...).

To do this, you need to use a webhook. The idea is to send us an already interpreted variable with an associated score (from 1 to 5).

You need to define a rule that will be calculated beforehand and sent to Skalin at regular intervals. For example, % consumer credit / % contract duration elapsed:

  • If <0.2 then you send us the value "credits-conso = 1".
  • If >0.2 and <0.4 then you send us the value "credits-conso = 2".
  • If >0.4 and <0.6 then you send us the value "credits-conso = 3".
  • If >0.6 and <0.8 then you send us the value "credits-conso = 4".
  • If >0.8 then you send us the value "credits-conso = 5".

This score will have a direct impact on the usage score calculated by Skalin (the score will therefore take into account the notions of usage calculated by Skalin as well as the information sent by webhook).

For more information on webhooks, please refer to the technical documentation.

Contributors: Julien