# I can't connect once I've logged in 😦 !

If you see a screen like this :

You have logged in by clicking on a link / url that contains expired parameters and the validation process cannot certify your identity.

Reconnect by clicking on this link https://app.skalin.io (opens new window) and modify your bookmark if necessary.

# Why some customers aren't into Skalin?

There are two main reasons why your customer does not show up in Skalin:

  1. The customer in question does not meet the conditions that allow Skalin to synchronize it. For example, it doesn't have "customer" status if you use Hubspot, or it is no longer present in the Salesforce view that is synchronized with Skalin. The best way to do this is to check the requirements for your CRM, in the CRM Integrations section.
  2. The customer is present in Skalin, but has been churned: when you connect your CRM, there is an option "Make customers become churner if (...)" which automatically churns a customer who no longer meets the conditions of the initial synchronization. If this option is activated, a wrong operation in your CRM may cause a customer to become churn. In this case, select the customers whose Stage = Churn to check whether your customer is present, then assign him the appropriate Stage. To prevent this from happening again, check the configuration and deactivate the option.

# Why are some emails are not present in Skalin?

There are several reasons why an e-mail may not be synchronized with Skalin:

  1. Your mailbox is not/no longer connected: even if you have connected your mailbox in the past, your mail provider may have expired your connection for security reasons. In this case, you'll receive an email and a reminder from Skalin inviting you to reconnect (see how to connect Gmail and Google Calendar and MS365).
  2. The e-mail is addressed to a contact who does not exist in Skalin. For an e-mail to be traced, the contact with whom you are exchanging must be registered in Skalin (see Data Model section). For reasons of confidentiality, Skalin will never create a contact, even if it has an email with the same domain name as a customer. If you add the contact a posteriori, Skalin will trace the history of exchanges up to a limit of 2 years.
  3. The contact exists in Skalin with a different email address from the one used to send the message. Same principle as above: Skalin needs to know the user's email address in order to link conversations. If the person has more than one email address, remember to add their secondary emails to their record, so that Skalin can integrate them too.
  4. The e-mail is not addressed to a Skalin user. Only Skalin users' mailboxes are synchronized.
  5. Your mailbox synchronization is not up to date. Skalin synchronizes your e-mail accounts and calendars every hour. It is therefore possible that one of your emails will not appear in Skalin for up to 1 hour.

# Why are some MRR are not present in Skalin?

If no MRR comes up, you'll probably need to review the configuration of your integrations. In this case, please refer to CRM integrations and Billing tool integrations.

If some MROs come up and others don't, there are several possibilities:

  1. Mandatory information is missing from the source tool, such as your CRM. For a contract to be valid, Skalin needs an amount, a start date, an end date or a duration. However, not all these fields are mandatory in a CRM. As a result, some contracts may not be complete, and may not be synchronized. Solution: complete the missing information in your source tool, and make it mandatory in future.
  2. The contract has expired: on the Customers home page, Skalin only displays the active MRO, i.e. the MRO linked to a current contract (start date < current date < end date). It is therefore possible that the contract is well synchronized but has expired, which is why no MRR is displayed. To be sure, go to the "Agreement" section of the customer file. Another tip: for expired contracts, Skalin displays the Renewal Date and End Date in orange, which can help you identify them more easily. Solution: remember to update the relevant contracts in the source tool.
  3. Skalin was unable to match the contract with an existing customer: when you use multiple data sources (e.g. CRM for customer lists and Stripe for contracts), Skalin must be able to identify that a customer is the same on your different systems. This can be done by means of a common identifier, an identical domain name or an identical account name. See our explanations on ID consistency. Solution: make sure you have at least the same account name on all your systems.

# How often are data updated in Skalin?

  • Most of our native integrations are updated every hour. In other words, an item added to your CRM should be synchronized between 1 and 60 minutes later.
  • Navigation events are ingested and updated every 30 minutes.
  • Reports are updated daily
  • Health scores are updated weekly, on Sunday night.
Contributors: Julien