Why use Playbooks

Why use Playbooks

A Playbook is an orchestrator which, based on a given event (trigger), triggers a series of defined actions. For example, the creation of a new customer in Skalin (trigger) will trigger a Playbook onboarding, itself composed of several actions.

Playbooks cover a wide range of use cases: customers at risk, declining usage, absence of connections from a key user, change of decision-maker in the company, contract renewal... The possibilities are virtually endless!

They can be triggered and run automatically, according to defined conditions, or launched by the CSM itself. The sequence between the various stages can be made conditional on validation of the preceding stages, again in automatic mode, or via a Customer Success Manager.


Why use Playbooks in Customer Success?

Playbooks enable you to establish clear, reproducible processes to help your customers move forward in the best possible way throughout their lifecycle. As a SaaS publisher, the challenge is to set up scalable processes that you can capitalize on, so as to decouple the resources required from the number of customers to be managed.

Playbooks offer 3 main advantages:

  1. Proactively manage your customers

With Playbooks, you can be sure that the right action is assigned to the right person, at the right time, according to the defined process. You're sure to cover everything and avoid oversights. Your customers are thus proactively steered, and you significantly reduce blind spots.

  1. Standardize processes within the Customer Success team

Playbooks enable you to align your teams and facilitate the integration of new CSMs. In short, you avoid having your team reinvent the wheel for every customer! Playbooks manage the core processes of your customer relationship, automatically and seamlessly. This means you can offer a consistent brand experience to all your customers, regardless of which CSM is in charge.

  1. Save time and focus on the essentials

Perhaps the main point: you no longer waste time on low-value-added tasks that can be automated. Your CSMs gain in mental workload, as they no longer have to think about the micro-tasks that were previously their responsibility. You free up your team's time for higher-value missions. The time spent with your customers is of higher quality, and your customers are better supported.

📆 [Skalin Webinar] How can Playbooks be used to scale Customer Success?

Contributors: Julien